Meeting Minutes
West PTO Meeting Minutes
WMS PTO Meeting Notes 11/15/23
Attendees included: Jennifer S., Brenda B. - Treasurer , Stefanie A. - Secretary, Cindy S., Principal-Scott Swartwood, and WMS Teachers: Mr Bollinger and Ms Erickson.
Approval of Minutes from Oct
- 1st Cindy 2nd Jennifer-- approved
Cotton Candy
- Last time made $181 @ $3 each -- sold out of 85 in minutes
- Will do again Nov 17th-- make all day and sell as much as we can. Have candy too?
- Stephanie will advertise
- Facebook, email, text
- Ask for parent volunteers am and pm to make
- Need -- cash box for change-- use the school store $
Pear Park Hat Day
- Suggested to change to bring in at least a $1 for Pear park
- Reward: Bring in at least $1 get a sucker Pops for Tots-- Pear Park
- January 26th
- Advisory will collect $ and give out suckers
- PTO will send communication to advisor teachers
- PTO will advertise
- Made $235.20
- Concern about the QR code being difficult to use in the app
- Need to send out sign up more frequently (monthly)
- School Store
- Need to advertise
- PTO attend community meetings to inform teachers
- Stucco kids -- borrow all items for a day and pop into advisories to show and tell items-- get kids excited
- Where is the display?
- Need another display for the office
Corporate sponsorship
- Mary and Cindy are working on St Marys, Big O Tires and an accounting firm
Coin Wars
- Announcements have been made
- Some Advisories are promoting
- Prize= Cookies-- Cindy will look into this for Dec 1
Giving Tree
- Birch will give $1000 again which will make them a corporate sponsor
- Target is interested $250 -- Cindy will follow up
- Ask Families to donate gift cards again
- Mary-- will you check on the numbers of Families in need so it could be included in the requests?
Spirit Nights
- Mod -- Nov 15
- Chipotle -- Dec 6
Staff Lunch -- Dec 21
- Send Sign up twice -- soon and then close to event because it is a busy time of year
- Check with Janelle to see if she is working on getting a restaurant to donate?
Grant Requests
- Janitor -- Request 50 ft extension cord -- approved
- Previous vacuum request was taken care of
Budget -- shared and approved
Meeting adjourned 4:05
Corporate Sponsors
Dear Community Supporter,
We are proud to be a community that is dedicated to excellence in education and committed to the future of our children. The outstanding staff, teachers, administrators and parents are excited for the 2024-2025 school year at West Middle School. We will be working together with our Principal, Scott Swartwood, and with teachers and parents towards the common goal of providing a well-rounded academic and enriching learning environment for our students. There will be many needs not covered by the money allocated to West Middle School. By becoming a Corporate Sponsor, you are making a direct impact on the education of our children! Thank you to all of our sponsors for making a difference!